It’s enough to make me bleedin blood boil, it really is. Three froggie paparazzi have just got away with taking pictures of our Princess Diana, God bless her, on the night she died. It’s flippin misbelievable. These so-called photographers chase the poor, lovely woman to her death, hound her into an underground grave, and they… Continue reading Princess Diana and the Paparazzi
Month: November 2003
George W Bush
Just yesterday I was fitting a new s-bend for a woman in Richmond Place. I say ‘new’ it was actually a bit second hand and had spent the previous ten years of its existence in a flat round the corner. I say ‘woman’ but I’m not completely bleedin sure it wasn’t her husband in an… Continue reading George W Bush
Auntie Joanna
Hello sweeties I speak to you this week as a woman shocked and angry. No, Fortnum and Mason haven’t messed up my Bolly order again, thank heaven. I am really quite peeved at this latest media kerfuffle about the Royals. It’s bad enough when the ghastly guttersnipes among the red-tops try to spark revolution by… Continue reading Auntie Joanna