Blimey what a rammy about Sven giving it large to that bird from the FA. Can you Adam and Eve that they were going to sack him just for having a bit of extra time with a secretary? Bleedin crackers. If they wanted to give him the boot because he couldn’t get his team to… Continue reading Sven Goran Eriksson
Category: Plumb Line
The Plumb Line
Bigot Ron Atkinson
Blimey, can a man not speak his mind these days without the politically correct brigadiers getting all hot under their collars? Big Ron Atkinson, the working man’s microphonist, said a couple of things he didn’t mean anyone to hear and suddenly the poor bloke’s lost his job. Bleedin ridiculous if you ask me. Okay, so… Continue reading Bigot Ron Atkinson
Blimey, I can’t believe all this locomotion about Sir David Beckham and this bit of Spanish skirt he’s supposed to have been knocking up. Can’t a man have any fun these days without it being plastered all over the bleedin papers? This Loos woman who he’s been doing shooting practice with ain’t much of a… Continue reading Goldenballs
David Kelly RIP
Well blow me down with a gift voucher from B&Q. I was in this house in Argyll Avenue, up to my elbow in this woman’s waste pipe, when I heard the news on the radio. Turns out Tony Blair did nothing wrong in the whole David Kelly Iraq thingy after all. He’s cleaner than a… Continue reading David Kelly RIP
Tight Squeeze
I was rigging up a dishwasher for a family down Ronald Place last week. Don’t know why he couldn’t just have bought her a pair of pink Marigold gloves and saved himself a few quid but who am I to argue. In fact he’d have saved himself a good few quid more if he’d been… Continue reading Tight Squeeze
Princess Diana and the Paparazzi
It’s enough to make me bleedin blood boil, it really is. Three froggie paparazzi have just got away with taking pictures of our Princess Diana, God bless her, on the night she died. It’s flippin misbelievable. These so-called photographers chase the poor, lovely woman to her death, hound her into an underground grave, and they… Continue reading Princess Diana and the Paparazzi
George W Bush
Just yesterday I was fitting a new s-bend for a woman in Richmond Place. I say ‘new’ it was actually a bit second hand and had spent the previous ten years of its existence in a flat round the corner. I say ‘woman’ but I’m not completely bleedin sure it wasn’t her husband in an… Continue reading George W Bush
Channel 4
Did you see that Derren Brown geezer do that Russian Roulette thing on Channel 4 the other night? Flipping brilliant it was. The only slight disappointment was that the smug git didn’t blow his brains out but you can’t have everything. You’ve got to hand it to Channel 4 though. They may be purveyors of… Continue reading Channel 4
Jeffrey Archer released
Wasn’t it nice to see Lord Archer being released from prison on Monday? The poor man should never have been locked up with common criminals but at least now he can indulge in his own pleasure rather than her Majesty’s. To put a proper lord like Lord Jeffrey away for trying to pervert the course… Continue reading Jeffrey Archer released
Moral Decline of a Nation
Is nothing sacred? The festering politically correct lefties that are ruining this country are at it again. You can’t open a door for a woman without someone accusing you of being sexist, you can’t respect a tradition without someone trying to tear it down and you can’t call the towel-heads terrorists without being accused of… Continue reading Moral Decline of a Nation